2017-04-22来源:南京艺术学院美术馆 |
展览日期:2017/4/22—5/10 展览地点:南京艺术学院美术馆四号展厅 共生·苍鑫2017 SYMBIOSIS ·CANG XIN 2017 展览时间Dates: 2017/4/22—5/10 展览地点Venue: 南京艺术学院美术馆四号展厅 Hall 4,AMNUA 开幕时间Opening Time: 2017年4月22日 15:00 开幕地点Opening Location: 南京艺术学院美术馆大厅 AMNUA Entrance Hall 研讨会时间Symposium Time: 2017年4月22日 研讨会地点Symposium Location: 南京艺术学院美术馆二楼研讨区 AMNUA 2F 主办Sponsor:南京艺术学院美术馆 AMNUA 艺术总监:李小山 Art Director:Li Xiaoshan 策展人:陈瑞 Curator: Chen Rui 苍鑫是著名的当代艺术家,对中国当代艺术史略有了解的人都知道他的作品和影响力,特别是他在行为艺术领域的实践探索,从 《为无名山增高一米》到《交流》以及后来一系列的行为作品,苍鑫身体力行地进行了长期的观念艺术和行为艺术实践,都是中国当代艺术研究者无法忽视的研究对象。第一次遇到苍鑫是在2008年他在南京四方当代美术馆举办的个展上,展览展出了他许多行为、雕塑和绘画作品,那时我还是个大三学生,看到这些充满观念的作品对我视野的拓展起到了很大的作用。没想到如今能够协助策划苍鑫先生的个展,因缘际会,殊为感叹!
As a famous contemporary artist, Cang Xin’s works have quite therecognition and influence towards anyone with a brief knowledge about theHistory of Chinese Contemporary Art. In particular about his practice andexploration in Performance Art, from < To Add One Meter to an AnonymousMountain> to 平心而论,苍鑫作品最打动我的是他作品中充满的灵性,就像他早起的行为作品,简单灵活又充满气场。需要说明的是,这种灵性是源于内心而不是符号化的,这也使得苍鑫与同时期许多艺术家惯用的“中国符号与中国智慧”的套路拉开了距离,充满了中国特色的同时又不是简单的传统挪用,形成了独特面貌。这也为苍鑫后来的艺术创作打下了相对广阔而坚实的基础,避免了许多中国当代艺术家的在创作与转型方面的困境。 In all fairness, spirituality in Cang Xin’s works often touches methe most, just like his early works which were simple,agile and full of aura.Though in necessity of declaration, the kind of agility in works is from deepwithin instead of being signifying which also made a certain distance inbetween Cang Xin’s works and other artists from his generation who consistentlyused ‘Chinese Symbols and Chinese Wisdom’ as a way to their works , it isfilled with special characteristics of our nation and not just simply invokingtraditions , all of which formed into an unique visage. These provided a strongbase that are relatively vast to Cang Xin’s later artistic practices, whichavoided the dilemma to creation and transformation that happened on lots ofChinese Contemporary artists. 与之前的作品相比,近些年苍鑫的创作状态有向把控宏大的主题和综合表现发展的趋势,这也令他的作品向谱系化的创作体系延展,综合了宗教学、生物学、民俗学、人类学等多方面的精神给养,所以呈现的面貌和表现的形式也十分可观。当然,可观作品的背后是一个艺术家不断的思考和勤奋的创作的直接体现,无论在什么状态之下,这一点是毋庸置疑的。 In comparison of his earlier works, the status of Cang Xin’s recentpractices had trended to immense themeshandle and comprehensive performance development , which helped his worksextending towards a genealogical kind of creative system. Status that colligatewith various aspects of mental provision like Religion, Biology, Folklore andetc is often impressive of its visage and expressive form. However it is withouta doubt that, what is behind the impressive works would always be the directreflection of the artist’s constant thinking and hardworking under whichevercircumstances. 苍鑫曾把他的艺术活动总结为两种性质:既是一个高级祭司,又是科学研究者。就像他摆满各种生物标本和作品工作室,既像是一个道场,又像是一个生物实验室。两个方向汇集在艺术创作中,使得苍鑫不仅是一个物体灵性的收集者和整合者,更像是是一个造物者,这一点使得其多年形成的艺术谱系得以不断展现出新的面貌和形态。 Cang Xin had once summarized hisart activities into two properties: a high-end priest and scientific researcher.Like his studio where he filled with all kinds of biological samples and artworks, the place is like a dojo yet also a biology lab. With these twodirections coming together in artistic practices, it made Cang Xin not only aspiritual collector and integrator but more like a creator. And by this point ,his artistic genealogy that was developed over the years could constantlyreveal its new visage and form. 本次在南京艺术学院美术馆举办的个展还有两个时间上节点值得一提,第一今年是苍鑫的知天命之年,按照年龄的划分,完全以一个成熟艺术家的面貌出现,同时对于艺术生命来说,也是一个新的开始。第二据上次苍鑫在南京举办的个展已经过去近十年的时间,这十年间,苍鑫在艺术上面有哪些新思考和新作品,将以何种方式展现,都让我们拭目以待。 It is worth mentioning aboutthe two nodes on the timing for Cang Xin’s solo exhibition at the Art Museum ofNanjing University of the Arts this time, firstly is this year marks the artist’s50th year in age, when he appears as an artist with full maturity,if according to the division of age. Meanwhile it is a fresh beginning for hisartistic life itself. Secondly it had been over a decade since Cang Xin lastheld his solo exhibition here in Nanjing, so we are yet to wait and see his newconsideration on art works during which time and in what way will these all bepresented. 预祝展览成功! I here congratulate beforehand on the success of this exhibition! 陈瑞 Chen Rui 2017年春于南京 In 2017Spring, Najing
责任编辑:王洁 |